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Through the course of Writing 321Multi model writing in public spheres I have continusly been updating and improving a website that serves as a portfolio for the work that I have acomplished in this class. While working on the Quest for Refuge project I have gained a greater understanding of how images and texts are used to achieve a mutlitude of purposes in attempting to delivor a message to a particular target audience. This website is to prove that I have gained insight about the course required outcomes and furthered my knowledge about pursuasive and informitive writing styles

Rhetorical and Ethical Considerations

We had to consider that we are sending a message which a lot of people will disagree with because they have always had their minds made of of what all refugees and undocumented citizens do. Although we prove this theory wrong because Victor is a great example of a refugee being given a job and excelling through the ranks to have a position with a lot of responsibility.

Purpose, Consideration, Audience
Choice of modes
Composing Process

Our purpose for this multimodal text was to show that the general stereotypical perception of undocumented immigrants is wrong and Victor is a great example of how if given an opportunity undocumented immigrants can succeed and prosper. We had to consider whether people understood where he came from and his journey to the U.S. We had to consider that people would not be able to relate to his refugee process because he faced so many barriers that kept him from being a documented U.S citizen. Having an audience that understand many aspects of writing allowed us to use all the techniques we knew to convey a message that was clear and powerful.


First we used subtitles which helps the audience better understand the context of the interview. We used close up shots of victor to express a lot of emotion throughout the video because we want to show how passionate he is about his message. We used music at the beginning and end of the video and I really like the way the music transitions so smoothly at the end into the Quest for Refuge slide. We used slides to tell the audience what question was being asked that prompted his responses. We used still images to portray what being in Guatemala looked like as well as the immigration process showing the men hidden inside the false floor of a truck. I liked all the modes we chose. I believe all contribute to creating a valuable message that disproves the stereotypes about undocumented immigrants. These modes helped us by keeping our video concise by only including the critical quotes that explained his story the best. Giving a visual representation of what he was saying along with the questions being asked gave visual context that supports the audience's understanding of the interview. We accounted for his time being in the way of viewing the subtitles so we did our best to fit the subtitles in.

We started by developing questions to ask Victor and we wanted them to cover the entirety of his life. Our questions were very open ended and aimed to get him to discuss his experiences immigrating and his life in the U.S. He had very intricate responses and very powerful memories that we had determine which was most essential to explain Victors experiences as accurately as possible. We decided to split the footage up into three topics that would be the essence of our video his life in Guatemala, His journey to the U.S, and adapting to life in the U.S and getting educated and succeeding in his career goals. I wrote down every word he said in the interview to better understand the dialogue. Our piece got developed over time more and more of an inspirational story describing the struggles Victor has faced to overcome adversity and the doubts he received from many people. We did a substantial amount of research online about Guatemala as well as Victors current and previous positions working with the mayor. Also we studied major events throughout Victor's life like where he attended college.

What did I learn

I have learned how to structure a piece of writing that constantly develops as the piece goes on and shows a clear path of progression. I know that before a tackle a project I must first understand what I am attempting to accomplish before collecting information. I need to first understand my purpose for writing something. I have learned to be concise and stick to the point that you are trying to prove or show and you must be disciplined enough to know what sections to remove that do not relate to your intended message. I have also learned that getting different people to review your work is always a good tactic and accepting constructive criticism will help your writing process. I want to remember how multimodal writing affects people's understanding of a text and when you add different modes does it keep a more constant focus on the context compared to a single mode text. I want to remember this because in my political field the use of multimodal writing is a huge part of the election process. Multimodal writing serves as a terrific platform to create and share a message that can be very convincing and powerful if made correctly. People can be persuaded to chose a political figure with something as simple as a catching phrase like “feel the burn” or “make america great again”. I feel as though I will be less easy to be persuaded by basic forms of multimodal writing because I will recognize them and understand what the author was trying to make the audience feel. I have gained a better understanding of the meaning and process used to develop and successfully use multimodal writing to send a message to a target audience. This makes me more conscious of who will be viewing my work which helps me in my process to consider the knowledge and perspective of the audience during the creation process. I will be able to explain to others the different modes and methods used in multimodal writing and how it affects the audience's opinions and emotions.

We have made and constantly been contributing to a website portfolio for this class. We have gained a better understanding of the life of a refugee and the struggles they go through in their attempts to find a safe place to call home. Importance of background and contextual information

Provoke a message deeper understanding of refugee life ethical storytelling appealing to specific audiences not just a topic but why it's interesting so what importance of background contextual information interview techniques/questions/protocal.

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