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Audio Bio refection

1. At first I did not want to talk about something very personal to me I just talked about  a location near my house that I have gone to many times while growing up. Then I decided that if these people were going to open up and tell their story then I should be willing to give them the same in return. I chose to talk about my mom and what she has been through and how it has effected me. I chose this story because telling it is a way of talking about it in a therapeutic method to better understand my own life and what my family has gone through. I did not like the idea of having my story told to a lot of people at first because I had no reason to be that open with people I did not know. Although once I understood the project and its purpose I was more open to the idea of sharing more about myself. Telling this audio bio brought up a lot of emotions good and bad so it was difficult to talk about certain areas of my writing when I had to repeat myself multiple times if the recording did not go over well.

2. I told the story like a flash back memory to the past because this lets the reader really visualize what is happening as I tell the story. I believe what may have helped me the most in telling this story is not being afraid to express my true feelings and emotions that I was having at the time of the event. What was also very effective was my honest refection and my reactions to events with my mom. I am very happy with the audio bio the only change I would have made was put one of my moms favorite songs in the back round, this would have made the story even more emotional and strong.

3. I think may have failed a little bit when first writing my first draft talking about the river near my house it was not that interesting of a story compared to my second draft. Then when first making a recording I did not know if I wanted to tell this story because it is pretty sad and I attempt to find a bright side to what has happened to me throughout my life. Changing topics was a really good idea I am really glad I was able to get more personal and share more with the people we interviewed. I am glad we were able to be vulnerable just like the people we are interviewing. I really liked the piano in the backround because it did not take anything away from the story and I was able to tell my story with no awkward pauses because of the music. When I was reviewing my audio essay I did not know where to point a sound effect but then listening to my story I found a nice pause. I added a bell noise in when I mentioned myself going back to school and I thought this was a nice element to add because it sets a scene. Editing my audio bio will help me know when to cut my video footage and decide what should be kept and what should be cut.




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