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I am from locked television cabinets and spinning weed whackers.

I am from the brown house one house away from the white house and two houses away from the post office.

I am from soccer and basketball balls.

I am from saying "what happen was."

I am from an Irish family history.

I am from slag and horrible leftovers.

I am from the smell of sap and syrup

I am from people telling me pink should not be my favorite color.

I am from every little ting is going to be alright.

I am from our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are more powerful beyond measure.

I am from Andover Connecticut, Holland Patent New York, Manchester Connecticut, and Montague Massachusetts.

I am from those moments when you feel like you have to give up but knowing you wont because you are living for more then just yourself. 

I am From

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