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First the structure for our video will go from visual text witch will state the question and then the video of Victor answering the question will follow that. First we will start with a formal introduction of Victor and what he is currently doing in his new job position. I also wanted to put in a small conversation between Shami and Victor about both of their experiences in their home countries and traveling to the United States and adapting to life here. Then shortly discuss that Victor at a time did want to be a lawyer but law school is very expensive and he cant burden his family by asking for money to go to law school right now. Get to know victor more by asking about his family and what his brothers and his mother are doing. Add clips to show that Victors mother is very important to him and she has helped him get to where he is today.



Next we will have a segment on why victor had to leave Guatemala and what struggles him and his family faced their. Than have a section of victor speaking about how young and innocent he was at the time he migrated to the U.S. Discuss how he crossed a sea on a raft. Explain how he did not really think of the consequences or what could happen if something went wrong or they got caught it was more of an adventure for him. Have him tell the audience about special ideas he was able to keep with him when he migrated to America. Victor will discuss what life was like when he first got to the U.S and how he had to walk through a dessert to find themselves at a Texas airport to catch a flight to Rhode Island. Have him tell the audience what family he has in the U.S and who he was living with in Rhode Island. Then reveal the main characters that were involved in Victors success while learning English he spoke highly of one teacher he had as a kid that took a serious interest in helping victor develop his English skills, and obviously his mother played a large role as well. Next we will introduce the topic of the people that did not believe in victor and told him because he was undocumented that he would not be able to do anything with his life. He emphasis the point that everyone would tell him to fill out the proper paper work to be a citizen and to stop being lazy but he was not being lazy the process of becoming a citizen took close to 10 years and people have no idea of the complications involved with applying to become an American Citizen. Then we will have Victor talk about if he still has family in Guatemala and if he plans to go back to visit or help the people of Guatemala. Lastly we will have him discuss his opinion on what the effect of the quest for refuge will have when the project is finished and why do you so passionately support this purpose of sharing the story of refugees.



May you please introduce yourself? Do you have anything in particular you would like to talk about? What do you do as director of communications for the mayor? Do you still plan on being in immigration lawyer?  What are your mother and two brothers up too? What do you like most about living in Rhode Island? Have you started a family of your own? What lead to you deciding to leave Guatemala?  How did you leave? What word or still are the challenges of living in the United States? What does the word refuge mean to you and have you found it? Do you have any objects or photographs from back home that you hold dear to you? How have your parents experience affected your perspective and how you interact with the world and you're community work? Do you still have family in Guatemala? Is there anything else you would like to share with us about the quest for refuge?

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