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Multi Modal writing is using multiple modes like alphabetic, audio, visual, video to convey a message that is made more clear through the use of modes.

Through out this class we have been introduced to programs and editing software such as audacity where we had to record a audio bio that described yourself.

In our quest for refuge project we used audio to express a feeling of inspiration at the end of our video. This occurs when Victor is describing his accomplishments and him proving that if given a chance undocumented citizens or refugees can be extremely successful in America and support their own individual communities they belong to.

First we used subtitles which helps the audience better understand the context of the interview. We used close up shots of victor to express a lot of emotion throughout the video because we want to show how passionate he is about his message. We used music at the beginning and end of the video and I really like the way the music transitions so smoothly at the end into the Quest for Refuge slide. We used slides to tell the audience what question was being asked that prompted his responses. We used still images to portray what being in Guatemala looked like as well as the immigration process showing the men hidden inside the false floor of a truck. I liked all the modes we chose. I believe all contribute to creating a valuable message that disproves the stereotypes about undocumented immigrants. These modes helped us by keeping our video concise by only including the critical quotes that explained his story the best. Giving a visual representation of what he was saying along with the questions being asked gave visual context that supports the audience's understanding of the interview. We accounted for his time being in the way of viewing the subtitles so we did our best to fit the subtitles in.

Another example of an assignment where we used multi modal writing is when we made the audio Bio essays because in my video I used sound effects as well has having a visual written text to go along with the audio recording of my bio.

What is Multi Modal Writing?

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